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?? Suffonsified ??

- Pardon. What does that mean? Everyone has his or her own ideas as to the origin and actual meaning of this magnificent word, though it is not an actual word and cannot be found in any dictionary.

Suffonsified is said to be the compilation of “sufficiently” and  “satisfied.” Most describe it as a colloquialism meaning, “I’ve had enough to eat, thank you,” or “I am comfortably full.” In essence, it is a polite and lightly humorous way to turn down more food during a meal.

Its origin is even more of a mystery, but if you ask any Canadian who is invested in its founding, they will tell you that Suffonsified is definitely of Canadian origin, and that it was their great-great-“someone” who coined the phrase.  Most paths direct us to the Upper Great Lakes region of Ontario/Michigan during the late 1800’s to early 1900’s. The truth is, one cannot be certain of anything.  

Alternate Spellings:
sophonsified, suffancified, suffunsified, to name but a few!

To use it is a sentence
“I am sufficiently suffonsified.”
“Having had my sufficiency, I sure am suffonsified.”
“My sufficiency is suffonsified, and any more would be superfluous to my capacity!”